Throughout my many years in therapy, I have learned a bunch of mechanisms to help me deal, or I should say, live with anxiety.
At the very beginning of my journey with my current therapist about three years ago now, she had given me various tools to help stop that dreaded anxiety attack. Let’s face it—we know that feeling of flutters that start in your toes and BOOM end with your heart racing and your head spinning. They’re the worst. the worst.
My therapist helped me find a breathing technique that could slow that heart rate and those racing thoughts. I always found I needed some way to cope in the middle of the night or when I was alone with no one to turn to that could calm me down.
I know, how could this silly little breathing technique help with something that felt so huge and out of control. Trust me, if you do it enough times it does wonders.
When I would find myself in the middle of anxiety and panic, I would sit up straight and breathe in for four long seconds counting in my head.
When you hold that same breath for seven seconds, make sure you’re not rushing through the process. Truly hold your breath for that amount of time, counting slowly.
Then you breathe out slowly for eight seconds.
REPEAT. Repeating this at least 4-5 times is key in slowing down that heart rate and brain racing you’re feeling.
Cutting off the air flow to your brain for a few seconds helps to slow down everything happening and calm you down overall.
Have you tried any variation of this technique? How has it worked for you?
Everyone has different coping mechanisms that help them get through moments of anxiety. This is sone simple technique I have used in those extreme panic moments. It’s always nice to fill your “toolbox” with techniques that you can pull out if you ever find yourself alone, scared, and anxious.