I wanted to stop in to say hi in between running errands to remind you each day is an opportunity to improve yourself and take one step in the direction of your dreams.
This quote in particular always resonates with me and is framed in my bedroom to remind me every day that the only person I need to compare myself to is the ME of yesterday. No sense comparing myself to others around me. At the end of the day, each of us is so unique in our own way and we each progress in our lives at different paces, think differently, have different interests, dreams, and goals. It would be naive of us to look at a picture and say “I wish I was like her or I want what they have” because, well we can’t be just like them! They are themselves and we are ourselves and that is a beautiful thing. The only comparisons in our lives should with the person we have been in the past, whether that was a year ago or yesterday.
I know for me, I’ve been able to see such growth from day to day, changes in both my mindset and attitude, but I am only able to notice those changes by focusing on solely comparing myself to the ME of yesterday. When I find my mind wandering, I bring myself back to this very quote to push my ever wandering brain back to the place that matters.
I challenge you to do the same this weekend…forget the perfect magazine cover models, the perfect couple you see on instagram, or what you thought you had to achieve by this time in your life. Rather, embrace the YOU that is blessed to be alive and keep making strides to achieve your goals.
“Don’t compare yourself to others. Compare yourself to the person from yesterday.”
Signing out…have a great Saturday!
xoxo Kristin